Action Definition


The term Action is derived from the SysML item “Action” [SysML] where it specifies a distinguishable part of a sequence or cycle occurring over time. In the context of MPFO-XML, an Action defines an operating phase of a component completely by (1) combining port specific environmental loads and functional loads and (2) assigning these loads to component ports. By definition, actions are considered as independent from each other. Contrary to SysML, actions will not have the ability to receive external react triggers. The sequence of several actions is defined within the ActivityDefinition element (see Activity Definition).

Definition of ‘ActionDefinition’ Element

The ActionDefinition element holds one or more Action elements. The contents of the ActivityDefinition element can be encrypted using the W3C XML-encryption mechanism [XML-SEC].

Definition of ‘Action’ Element

The Action element combines port specific environmental loads and functional loads of an operating phase and assigns these loads to component ports and/or port sets. If necessary, load sets and/or port sets can be defined that are local to the current Action element. See examples below.

Definition of ‘Assignment’ Element

The load assignment to component ports and/or port sets is done in the Assignment element. See examples below.


Example 1: Action Definition

<!-- Component definition as MPFO-XML mission profile document. -->
   <!-- Assign loads to ports -->
            <!-- Operating phase 1 (loads are assigned directly to the electrical ports for simplicity reasons) -->
            <Action Id="ID.Action.0" ShortDescription="Operating phase 1: Resistor operation at 298 K for 55 h">
                    <!-- Assign loads to port N1 -->
                    <Assignment Id="ID.Action.0.Assignment.N1">
                            <PortRef Ref="ID.Port.N1"/>
                            <LoadRef Ref="ID.Load.0"/>
                            <LoadRef Ref="ID.Load.Env.0"/>
                    <!-- Assign loads to port N2 -->
                    <Assignment Id="ID.Action.0.Assignment.N2">
                            <PortRef Ref="ID.Port.N2"/>
                            <LoadRef Ref="ID.Load.1"/>
                            <LoadRef Ref="ID.Load.Env.0"/>

            <!-- Operating phase 2 (loads are assigned directly to the electrical ports for simplicity reasons) -->
            <Action Id="ID.Action.1" ShortDescription="Operating phase 2: Resistor operation at 423 K for 350 h">
                    <!-- Assign loads to port N1 -->
                    <Assignment Id="ID.Action.1.Assignment.N1">
                            <PortRef Ref="ID.Port.N1"/>
                            <LoadRef Ref="ID.Load.0"/>
                            <LoadRef Ref="ID.Load.Env.1"/>
                    <!-- Assign loads to port N2 -->
                    <Assignment Id="ID.Action.1.Assignment.N2">
                            <PortRef Ref="ID.Port.N2"/>
                            <LoadRef Ref="ID.Load.1"/>
                            <LoadRef Ref="ID.Load.Env.1"/>